By-Pass marker
US 230 marker
Western Terminus: US 230/North Cameron Street in Harrisburg
Eastern Terminus: US 230/Second Street in Highspire
Length: 9.83 miles
Names: Arsenal Boulevard, Herr Street, Walnut Street, and Eisenhower Boulevard
LR Designations: 1 Spur:  US 230 to Walnut Street
140:  Herr Street to I-83
768:  US 22 to Paxton Street
22019:  Paxton Street to US 230
Multiplexed Routes: By-Pass US 22:  US 230 to US 22
US 22:  By-Pass US 22 to I-83
I-83:  US 22 to Eisenhower Boulevard
County: Dauphin
Expressway: US 22 to Derry Street
Former Designations:
Decommissioned: 1960
Replaced By: I-83:  US 22 to Eisenhower Boulevard
PA 283:  Paxton Street to Highspire

The Department of Highways applied to the American Association of State Highway Officials on August 6, 1951, for the designation.  A route around the congestion in the central and southern sections of Harrisburg and in Steelton, as well as bypassing numerous industrial operations including the Bethlehem Steel Company mill located in the latter, were reasons for the application.  Approval by their US Route Numbering Committee came on October 21, 1951.

Signs went up in 1952 from the intersection of US 230 at Paxton Street, following Paxton Street to Eisenhower Boulevard, which returned it to its parent route in Highspire.  That same year, construction began on the section of what would become Interstate 83 between US 22 and Eisenhower Boulevard.  That section opened to traffic in 1954, and with it a change in the route.  The new alignment followed Arsenal Boulevard, Herr Street, Walnut Street then onto the expressway back to Eisenhower Boulevard.

Paperwork was filed by the Department of Highways with the American Association of State Highway Officials on August 30, 1960, to decommission the route.  The reasons given were the section between Cameron Street and Walnut Street was already signed as By-Pass US 22, the section between US 22 and US 322 would be posted as Interstate 83, and to simplify signage at the future Eisenhower Interchange.  AASHO's US Route Numbering Committee approved the elimination of By-Pass US 230 at their meeting on November 25, 1960.

Links: US 230 (Decommissioned)
PA 283
Interstate 83